Cook. eat and live right

For more than 10 years, I was placed on multiple medications including Metformin, Diamicron and Lipitor by my Doctors to help control high blood sugar levels and blood pressure. I was an overweight diabetic patient. It was a terrible period in my life, but today, I am glad these are all memories. Everything changed when I decided to take responsibility for my health using a combination of gradual lifestyle adjustments and a change in diet which I have laid out in this book. 

Cook, Eat & Live Right is a helpful guide for diabetic patients. It is based on my experience and knowledge of things that worked for me in the decades of having to overcome life threatening high blood pressure, diabetes, arrhythmia, high Ldl cholesterol, low Hdl cholesterol and obesity. 

From Diagnosis to Beating Diabetes into Remission - My Story

In the last quarter of 2005, I suddenly developed an unexplainable visual impairment that made it hard for me to read, even with my prescription glasses. I started experiencing other symptoms such as gum disease, excessive thirst and frequent sleep disruption in the night due to need to drink water and pee.

I attributed the symptoms to a change of environment as I had just relocated to London temporarily. Prior to these events, I was on medication for high blood pressure and associated cholesterol problems. I was on a combined therapy of three medications for high blood pressure, and a fourth one for high LDL cholesterol.

I had just visited my doctor for a general checkup which fortunately included a urine sugar test. He informed me that I had sugar in my urine and recommended a random blood sugar test, he observed that my non-fasting blood sugar was 375 mg/dl. He recommended that I should return the next day for a fasting blood sugar test. The report showed that my fasting blood sugar was 268 mg/dl as against a typical maximum of 115 mg/dl. Up till this moment, I knew nothing about diabetes. I received the biggest shocker of my life when the doctor confirmed that I had diabetes, in addition to high blood pressure for which I had been on medication for some years.

At the height of my battle with diabetes, I was obese, weighing above 140 kg.
At the height of my war with diabetes
Today, I have lost more than 30kg

Some of the symptoms I experienced included:

  • frequent urination
  • disruption of my sleep pattern and quality
  • gum disease that almost led to a loss of dentition
  • blurry vision
  • pains on my left foot, making it impossible for me to walk for a couple of weeks.

 In the course of my battle against high blood pressure and diabetes, I also experienced;

  • insomnia, anxiety and panic disorder, all symptoms of depression. (I was once placed on an antidepressant, Seroquel, and I was able to stop its usage after about six months of administration).

While still under professional medical care, I decided to take full responsibility for my health. I built a comprehensive library that helped me to learn all I could about diabetes and how it affects the human body. This knowledge informed a number of lifestyle amendments and dietary changes I adopted, along with food supplements. I was able to make tremendous progress, do away with  medications for diabetes completely, and reduced the medications for high blood pressure.

After I lost some weight
My strategy was effective and I shed a lot of weight
My diabetes books library
The first step was to learn as much as I could

I currently use minimal medication for my blood pressure control and none for Ldl cholesterol control. I am fit and agile and energetically pursue my life goals. I look back at those years with gratitude to God, knowing I have overcome all the complications I once experienced.

Following a request by my son, who was 9 years old at the time, to document my journey to recovery, and publish a book to help people in the same predicament and their care givers, I have decided to publish Cook, Eat and Live Right, which is based on my memos and knowledge of what worked for me. It contains detailed and clearly laid out path to managing diabetes and pushing it into remission through changes to lifestyle and a nonrestrictive natural diet. I have included over 70 recipes with images in the book and will keep sharing newer recipes and tips in on this blog.

Cook Eat & Live Right is available worldwide and can be ordered from the link above.You can buy


dayo adeola
‘Dayo is an health talk enthusiast and loves to cook. He is a Lawyer, a notary public, an author, a serial entrepreneur and also a Christian serviceman.
Having used diet to lose over 30kg of body weight to beat some chronic diseases and return to good health, Dayo’s aim is to reach more people with his message of right eating and living.
He is a youth advocate and has trained scores of youths under his private youth empowerment initiative.


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You can read the introduction here. Fill the form and check your mail for the download link.

Cook. eat and live right

What Medical Professionals Are Saying

This book is detailed and very informative. It comes highly recommended for diabetic patients.
Dr. Oyetunde Alagbe
Medical Director, Neuromed Medical Institute
Cook Eat and Live Right is great and we believe will be of great help to diabetic patients everywhere.
Pharm. Toyin Arifayan
Pharmacist - Healthplus

Cook, Eat and Live Right distills years of knowledge gained from dealing directly with diabetes and a number of attendant symptoms. It is a great reference for newly diagnosed patients and older patients and even a good guide to those predisposed to diabetes.

COOK EAT & LIVE RIGHT  lays out simply rules that will help you push diabetes into remission. You will learn how;

  • How I brought my blood sugar within normal range, needing no medication anymore.
  • How I reduced my daily dosage of high blood pressure medications.
  • How I beat Arrhythmia to weaned myself off prescription drugs.
  • How I weaned myself off Lipitol which I had used about 7 years to control high Hdl Cholesterol.
  • How I beat anxiety and panic disorder, all symptoms of depression and stopped using antidepressants.
Cook. eat and live right


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